A Rich History
in Engineering

When Fitec Environmental Technologies Inc. underwent a rebranding campaign in 2019, the objective of the new design was to honour the global Fitec legacy while planting a new flag to represent the company’s ambitions for renewable energy in North America. The resulting fresh look is a modernized evolution of Finsterwalder Unwelttechnik’s original logo. The three signature red arches that are prominent in the new design are a nod to the architecture of the original headquarters in Germany. But there is more to the story of these arches.  


The building where Fitec components are today designed, manufactured, and assembled was actually designed by the same man who engineered the renowned Black Forest Hall in Karlsruhe, Germany and the Bendorf Bridge on the Rhine River at Koblenz.  

What makes these structures interesting is that they are the first cantilever constructions of prestressed concrete in the world. This method allows for large spans to bear relatively heavy loads on the corners of the arches, and it caused a sensation throughout Europe when it was first used in the 1950s.  


The man responsible for these feats was civil engineer Ulrich Finsterwalder, grand-father to present-day Finsterwalder Umwelttechnik CEO. He built the now-headquarters in 1970 as his private residence and farm, using the same method to construct the arches.  

But when the design for the farm was first presented, it was met with opposition because of its deviation from traditional Bavarian style and architecture. Finsterwalder held firm in his progressive vision and commitment to innovation and was able to see his farm constructed to his specifications. Fitec’s embrace of the arches now honours the same values and is a recommitment to what matters – a progressive vision for a healthier planet and innovative solutions for our clients using precise design and engineering.  

“What I love the most about this brand refresh and website,” says Tom Ferenevic, CEO, “is how the values behind our company boldly shine through. We build biogas facilities that last, and we have relationships with our clients that last.” 

We are proud to be part of the Finsterwalder family legacy and we invite you to come and be a part of it with us. Contact us today to see for yourself the commitment and personalized support we offer to our clients.   .